Rethinking resilience and wellbeing for organisational performance

When someone talks to you about resilience and wellbeing, what do you think?  Is it something ‘over there’, completely separate to what you or your team are doing right now? Is it a ‘nice to have’ or you see it something to put your focus on when you have time?   

I often have conversations where people – and teams – want to change habits to make resilience and wellbeing more of a priority. But often, it’s about resilience and wellbeing being ‘over there’. I’m only rarely in discussions where it’s the first thing on the list ahead of financial, customer or process performance indicators (as well as project milestone updates in the case of large-scale change). 


But what might happen if we flipped this thinking? What if we were to consider resilience and wellbeing as the foundation indicator including for your – and your team’s – performance?  This is thinking that shifts from being all about the numbers to all about the people and how they can thrive and not simply be sustained. 


I’ve been having this conversation more and more just lately. My biggest takeaway from these discussions has been that without an intentional focus on resilience and wellbeing –particularly in a work context – people and so performance suffer.  And, in a world where retention seems to be a constant challenge across many sectors, who would want to lose up to 60% of employees to a job that would better support their wellbeing?


There is so much happening in the world right now that being sustainable as an organisation (the “long-term collective well-being of individuals, organizations, climate, and society”), isn’t going to cut it. We need to reprioritise what really matters. 


After all, without your people, you won’t have an organisation. 


If you’d like to explore how to shift your thinking around resilience and wellbeing – and particularly in change and uncertainty – I’d love to chat