Earth Day and what it means to be human in a constantly shifting world

Earth Day took place this week and for me, it’s alway a time for reflection. How are we showing up as human beings on this lovely planet we depend upon? How are we showing up for other people - and ourselves? Feeling the difficult feelings that some of these big questions evoke can be tricky, but we can do hard things. Here are a few thoughts…

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Do you know the true costs involved when organisational change doesn't go the way you planned?

Sometimes, we need to hear real-life stories of the unintended and unplanned consequences of organisational change going wrong, to understand how to do things better. Here’s a very personal story that illustrates how the simplest thing that hasn’t been considered, can have a big knock-on effect.

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Five ways to help make conversations for change better for everyone involved

There’s a heap of change happening in organisations right now, from mergers or acquisitions to restructures and redundancies. From conversations I’ve had over the last few weeks, here are a few ideas to help leaders make discussions around change easier for everyone involved.

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