Three ideas to help you rest, recharge and recover

In the run-up to the summer holidays, I’ve had so many conversations that make me feel people have been running at half-speed for some time, just waiting to get to the end of term finishing line.  

Whether you’re planning a change of scene, focusing on more dedicated family time, or simply taking a break over the summer, it’s such an important reminder to focus on energy management and not time management.

Here are three things that might help you to really rest, recharge and recover

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Are you a human being or a human doing?

We get focused on busy, busy, busy and often forget (and don’t make time) to just ‘be’. Switching off to switch on our creativity, our idea-generation or simply remembering things we thoughts we’d forgotten, is vitally important to our wellbeing. Here are a few ideas to be more of a human being - not a human doing.

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